Gifts You Didn’t Ask For
But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
─ Matthew 19:26
As her phone rang, Angie dug through her purse trying to find it. Folding her fingers around it, she glanced to see her sister Gina’s name on the caller ID. She swiped her thumb across its surface as she lifted it to her ear. “Hey Gina,” she answered.
“Hey Ang,” Gina greeted her. “I wanted to call and ask you what to get Alex for his birthday this year? Last year, pajamas were NOT a big hit with him,” she recalled.
Angie cringed, remembering her then five-year-old’s ungrateful response to opening the gift from his Aunt Gina. He had crinkled his nose and twisted his face as he spewed disappointment with the words – “Pajamas? Again?”
“I know it wasn’t a big hit with Alex,” she said. “But he really needed pajamas last year with the tight budget we were on. The pajamas kept him warm during the winter months. This year, I plan to be the pajama giver,” she said. “I’ll text you links to a few items he has asked for and you can be the favored aunt once again!”
After chatting a little while longer with her sister, she suddenly thought about the times the Lord gave her gifts she didn’t really ask for. Once opened, they weren’t something she really thought she wanted but later discovered them to be exactly what she needed.
Today’s One Thing
Think about a time when you appeared less than grateful for a gift God presented to you. How did it turn out? Determine how it can help you to be more positive in the future about accepting those types of gifts from Him.