Glorify God Together
Have you ever caught yourself thinking, or even saying, “She’s really odd … different … must be hard to work with?” It’s easy to look at others and immediately identify differences – even pointing out things you think could rub you the wrong way.
Receive one another, just as Christ also received us, to the glory of God.
─ Romans 15:7 NKJV
For some of us, pointing out other’s flaws allows us to deflect from areas of our own lives that God wants each one of us to work on and grow in. Not one single person on the earth today is perfect, and thankfully God doesn’t expect us to be.
Instead of pointing out what’s “wrong” with others, ask God to show you how a connection with them could bring glory to Him.
The verse today reminds you to accept others just as Jesus accepted you. Accepting means to receive others into our lives and hearts. You bring glory to God when you show unconditional love and grace to others. Some ways to do that include:
- Going out of your way to have a conversation with those you don’t normally talk to.
- Choosing to get to know someone to see where God might take the relationship.
- Minimizing differences.
- Seeking common ground for fellowship.
Jesus doesn’t hold you at arm’s length, waiting for you to become presentable. No one comes to Him completely without sin, but He extends grace and mercy to you right where you are. His acceptance of you can help you accept others just as they are as well.
Today’s One Thing
As you read this, did someone come to mind? Take some time to pray, asking God to lead you in His direction, then establish a plan to connect with that person this week.