God Always Answers
Before they call I will answer; while they are yet speaking I will hear.
─ Isaiah 65:24 ESV
Jennifer felt numb spiritually. She felt her emotions beginning to surface for no reason at all. She decided to take an early lunch, walked across the street from her office building and stepped into the sanctuary of the large historical church building. She’d been there before. She slipped quietly to the right side of the church into one of the private, quiet, prayer rooms.
She slipped off her shoes and sat down on the floor. The room was dark except for the sunlight seeping in through the small stained-glass window above her head. The tears fell. She had no words, but she knew God understood her tears.
Isaiah 65:24 is a promise that God will answer before you call, and will hear you before you finish speaking. When we pray, we can sometimes feel like God doesn’t hear us because we don’t feel anything, or our circumstances don’t immediately change, but His Word is true. He always hears you when you pray!
Jesus prayed to the Father before He called Lazarus to come forth from the grave. “And Jesus lifted up his eyes and said, ‘Father, I thank you that you have heard me (John 11:41).’” And the dead brother of Mary and Martha walked out of the grave.
No matter how you pray, in audible words or a silent whisper from your heart. Your heavenly Father hears your prayers and will always answer you.
Today’s One Thing
The next time you pray, give God thanks for hearing your prayers, like Jesus did. Recount the many times when He’s answered your prayers in the past and encourage yourself that He will do the same this time.