God Will Do It Again!
It’s human nature to blame someone for mistakes and mishaps in life. But who do you credit when things go well? Are you just as likely to praise and thank someone for the good as you are to blame someone for the bad?
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.
– James 1:17 ESV
To the natural mind, it can sound a little over the top, but the reality is every good thing is from God. From the smallest of things, like hitting all green lights on your commute or receiving an unexpected gift from a friend, to avoiding a bad accident or being healed of a terrible disease. When you have no idea how things could possibly turn around for you and yet, they do – recognize God at work in your life.
God did it before and He can do it again.
When difficult seasons come or hardships knock on your heart’s door, lift your eyes to heaven and remember all the good God has done.
God is so faithful to do what He has promised. From the smallest little good things to the largest miracles in your life – if it’s good, give God the credit. He is always working things in your favor to bring His good into your life.
Today’s One Thing
When has God showed up in your life and done something you’ll never forget? List 2 or 3 of the big ones on a sheet of paper. Now think of a few small ones that you might not have given Him credit for. Take some time and speak to Him about how good He is. And then remind yourself that He will do it again.