Gratefulness Amid the Unknown with Jordan St. Cyr
A grateful heart is a sign of surrender to God.Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.
– Psalm 136:1 ESV
When Jordan St. Cyr, contemporary Christian singer, songwriter and storyteller, talked with Family Life Radio, he shared what it means to choose gratitude.
“What I’ve realized,” Jordan explained, “is that a grateful heart is, when you recognize it, a sign that you are surrendering to God’s will.”
You may not be okay with the state of the world, but you know Who holds the state of the world.
Jordan explained how you can choose to be thankful. “Because you’re okay. Not that you’re okay with the state of the world, but you know Who holds the state of the world. And you know Who has the authority and the ability to change the state of the world.”
You can find joy in the day-to-day ordinary things of life as you trust in God’s goodness and purpose. Jordan said that it is even possible in the challenging seasons.
“It may feel like a heavy season we’re in, navigating this illness (Sturge-Weber syndrome) with our little girl. It is also the very thing that draws us to the moment and draws us to appreciate the little things in life.”
Today’s One Thing
What do you need to choose to trust God with today? Open your hands and tell Him you are surrendering to His perfect plans. Give Him thanks as you choose to trust Him.