Find Your “Mary Moment”
Life’s demands can be overwhelming. You’re not just juggling, you’re performing a high-wire act without a net – work deadlines, family needs and maybe even community or church commitments. It’s like you’re in a constant race against the clock. So, you’re invited right now to take a deep breath [in and out], pause and be present and find our own “Mary moment.”
But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.”
– Luke 10:41-42 ESV
Remember the story of Mary and Martha? Martha was swamped with preparations, wanting everything to be perfect for Jesus. But Mary? She chose to sit at Jesus’ feet, soaking in His wisdom. Jesus told Martha that Mary had chosen the “good portion,” the one thing that truly mattered.
Take time to gift yourself the blessing of Christ’s presence.
So, what’s your “good portion” today? What’s that one thing that, if you pause to embrace it, will fill your soul and draw you closer to Christ? Maybe it’s a few quiet moments in prayer, or perhaps it’s simply sitting in stillness, feeling God’s love surround you.
This is your gentle nudge to focus on what truly matters. It’s okay to let the laundry wait or to put your phone on “Do Not Disturb.” Right now, gift yourself the blessing of His presence. In doing so, you’re not just enriching your own spirit, but you’re also deepening your connection with Christ.
Take this moment to recharge and renew. You’re not journeying alone; Christ is right here with you, inviting you to choose the “good portion” every day. So go ahead, pause and be present. Your soul will thank you for it.
Today’s One Thing
A Prayer You Can Pray:
“Lord Jesus, help me find my good portion today. Quiet the noise around me so I can hear Your voice clearly. Teach me to prioritize what truly matters and to find peace in Your presence. Amen.”
Or a Confession You Can Say:
“Today, I choose to pause and be present. I choose the good portion that draws me closer to Christ. I let go of distractions and anxieties, embracing the peace that comes from God alone.”