Improve Your Practice
You can only get better by practicing the things you desire to improve with purposeful intention. For example, if you’re learning a new language, you practice that new language and attempt to immerse yourself in that new communication. If you want to become a better athlete or desire a healthier body, you engage in specific workouts and intentionally execute a practice or diligent routine for your improvement.
If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit.
─ Galatians 5:25 ESV
The Holy Spirit has been given to everyone who believes in Jesus Christ. The Spirit provides correction, protection and many other glorious attributes for a believer’s wellbeing. The Holy Spirit also gives you the fruits of the Spirit to help you reflect and communicate God’s love, mercy and compassion.
As a steward of these gifts, you are empowered to enhance these gifts by listening to the Spirit’s guidance in practicing the skills. Similar to learning a new language or improving your athleticism, listening for the Spirit to guide you in demonstrating the fruits of the Spirit will enhance your reflection of God and deepen your communication of His love to others.
Intentionally practicing the gifts of the Holy Spirit magnifies the gifts the Father has given to you.
Just as you are born physically ready to grow and develop, the gifts of the Spirit are ready to be nourished and enhanced as you follow the Spirit’s direction.
Like a tasty peach or apple pulled from a tree, others can see the fruits of the Spirit at work in your life.
Today’s One Thing
Read Galatians 5:16-26. Pray for increased sensitivity to hear the Spirit’s guidance as you practice the fruits of the Spirit with His power and direction. Pray over these fruits so the Holy Spirit will guide and give you opportunities to use what the Father has given you.