Inspired with Kindness
Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, to build him up.
─ Romans 15:2
The commitment the Benitez’s family made to become a part of an act of kindness set their 14-year-old daughter Daniella on a mission to make a difference. The family worked on a project, sponsored by Daniella’s school, to build a home for a family in Tijuana, Mexico.
The morning immediately after they finished the project, Daniella told her mother her big idea – she wanted to build a home for a family every year. Once she saw the living conditions of families in Tijuana, without homes, like a little girl she met who slept on a dirt floor with no running water and no bathroom, she knew she could make a difference.
Daniella asked 16 friends and family members to go with her on the home build. In just two months, over the summer, she raised the $16,000 to provide a fully furnished home with running water, electricity, beds and showers.
With the help of the nonprofit, Build a Miracle, who Daniella said organized everything, she was able to help build, paint and furnish the homes. She said it wasn’t just putting money toward something, but the ability to go, work and get your hands dirty, and meet the family the home is for, that inspired her.
We often think that one person can’t make a difference, yet repeatedly throughout history one person, inspired to do good, influenced the world.
Today’s One Thing
Are you tempted to think that your contribution is too small to make a difference? Offer simple acts of kindness this week and take notice of how much of a difference that makes in the lives of those you bless.
Content Link: https://www.myflr.org/edevo/gracious-and-loving-father/