Invite God to Participate in All You Do
If we are living now by the Holy Spirit’s power, let us follow the Holy Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives.
─ Galatians 5:25 TLB
Meg stepped outside her house, walked down the sidewalk, out of the shade and into the sun. The warmth of the sunshine surprised her. She needed it. She’d been inside too long. The last few weeks had been hard and dark.
As she walked, she began to pray. She realized she’d held God at bay for the last few weeks as disappointment and hurt overwhelmed her. Some decisions she’d made on her own had gone south. She knew she’d treated God more like a consultant than a partner in her decisions.
Just like the sun warming her heart, her prayer of repentance and acceptance of God’s forgiveness warmed her soul. She invited Him to be a part of the new decisions now facing her.
Galatians 5:25 encourages us to invite God into our lives, to partner with Him, inviting Him, by the Holy Spirit, to take the lead in all we do.
Is God a consultant or your partner? Does He have permission to direct you? Or do you make plans and then ask Him to bless what you’ve come up with?
Today’s One Thing
Think about a certain decision you will be making in the next few weeks:
- Invite God to lead and guide you.
- Sit down and write out what you consider the pros and cons.
- Talk to God about them.
- Search the Bible to see what God has to say in Scripture about your situation.
Then follow God in peace, step out in faith and make that decision knowing you and God made it together.