Layers of Meaning in the Song of Songs
Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm, for love is strong as death, jealousy is fierce as the grave. Its flashes are flashes of fire, the very flame of the Lord.
─ Song of Songs 8:6 ESV
Layers of Meaning in the Song of Songs
Over the centuries scholars have debated the meaning of the Song of Songs, sometimes referred to as the Song of Solomon. Some say it is an allegory of God’s love for His people; others say it is a literal story of married love. It has served readers as both a historical story with two meanings. It teaches us about love, marriage and sex from God’s perspective, and it also demonstrates God’s unconditional, overwhelming love for His people.
In our verse today, we see love as strong as death; it cannot be destroyed by death or disaster. Love is eternal. It is as fierce as the grave. It cannot be purchased at any price. Love is flashes of fire from the very fire of God.
Love must be welcomed and received as a gift from God, described and outlined according to the guidelines God set forth in His Word.
Today’s One Thing
Look at the five things you can do (above) to get reconnected in prayer. If you need help reconnecting, will you follow these for the next week? If you already have a strong prayer life, will you pray for those who are struggling with spending more time with God?