Leave It There!
Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.
─ Psalm 55:22 ESV
Leave It There!
A timeless message reflected in the words of a hymn written more than 100 years ago remains relevant today. Charles A. Tindley, a 20th-century, black Methodist minister and songwriting pioneer, used his personal experiences of escaping slavery and poverty to inspire congregations during the most difficult seasons of their lives.
The hymn, “Leave It There,” based on our verse for today, encourages us to give our problems to God and trust him to take care of them, no matter how long it takes.
Leave it there, leave it there,
Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there.
If you trust and never doubt, He will surely bring you out.
Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there.
As we move into a second year facing a global pandemic, the words of Psalm 55:22 can bring you comfort and strength. Bring every trouble you find constantly turning in your mind to God and leave it there. Give him thanks and believe in faith that he will solve it.
Today’s One Thing
What do you need to leave with God today? Give it to God in prayer. Each time the thought comes to your mind, stop and give Him thanks aloud for sustaining you while he takes care of it for you.