
Let Your “Chicks” Take Flight

Let Your work appear to Your servants, And Your glory to their children.

─ Psalm 90:16 NKJV

Have your chicks flown the coop? If not, one day they will, so your words, actions and choices today are incredibly important—especially to ensure they don’t crash upon takeoff. The goal is to launch your offspring into the world as responsible adults who love and obey God, enjoy healthy relationships and work diligently at something worthwhile. If your children are still with you, ask God to help you stay focused on that goal in spite of the hectic demands of daily life.

Our verse today could be a prayer for all parents for the work of God at work in their own lives to be a testimony to their children. May God use us in such a way that how we serve God brings a desire and encouragement for our children to follow in our footsteps. It is the hope of every parent that our children experience more success than they ever had, and even more spiritually in their lives lived for God.

If your kids have left home, you’ve probably experienced the challenge of transitioning from the responsibility you had as a parent to a relationship with your brother or sister in Christ who is now an adult. Is your tongue sore yet from biting it so much? They now answer to God instead of you. God was there for you, and He’ll be there for them, if they ask. Confidently trust the Holy Spirit to be the powerful wind beneath their wings.

Today’s One Thing

As you pray today, thank God for His faithfulness to you as you raised your children, and ask Him to declare Himself to them as their ever-present Parent, always available for advice and help.

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