Life Source
You are significant! You are valuable, and the role that God has given you to love others and speak life into them is essential.
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
─ Ephesians 2:10 ESV
Before take-off on commercial flights, the flight attendant explains that in the event cabin pressurization fails, oxygen masks would drop from ceiling compartments for passengers to put them on their faces. They carefully demonstrate to you how to first place your oxygen mask on yourself before helping others. Naturally, having an oxygen source for yourself allows you to think clearly and process what’s happening in the event chaos ensues.
Use your God-given ability to take every thought captive.
Since life is an exciting journey containing emotional ebbs and flows and twists and turns, you have free will to pause from any chaos, trust in the Lord, understand He loves you and gives you the ability to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ.
Your emotional oxygen mask is prepared, and you have the authority to shape your mindset and listen to the Holy Spirit guide your thinking. Choose not to settle or adjust to the culture surrounding you but transform your mind and place your attention on the Lord. God brings the best out of you because He is your Source and desires the best for you (Romans 12:2).
When your attention is focused on Him, you can journey through life more clearly and help others more efficiently by speaking positive life communication. He provides resolutions to your concerns when you freely relinquish any problems creating chaos in your mind. He is the life and gives it abundantly.
Today’s One Thing
Thank the Lord for life’s ebbs and flows, pause your mindset from any distracting chaos, and give your full attention to the Lord. He is your Source – breathe deeply and trust in His directions.