Look to the Lord of Your Ups and Downs
Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me; You will stretch out Your hand Against the wrath of my enemies, And Your right hand will save me. The Lord will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy, O Lord, endures forever; Do not forsake the works of Your hands.
─ Psalm 138:7-8 NKJV
The book of Psalms, a stunning library of songs and prayers, gives voice to the soul of humanity. David and other writers willingly emptied their emotions to God, unashamed. Their lyrics and devotions allow us to look in on the active, prevailing and life-transforming friendship with God.
David experienced high highs and very low lows throughout his life. God was with him on the mountain tops, and the valley floors. In Psalm 138, David offers thanksgiving for answered prayer. It’s very likely his words are more a reminder to himself than to God of how God has walked with him, fulfilled His plans, revived him, and lavished him with His mercy.
When we stand in the valleys of life, wondering if we can ever rise again, our hurt entices us to feel sorry for ourselves. It’s tempting to review life’s injustices and say, “how unfair it is.” God is there, listening. Give voice to your feelings and share them openly with God. Remember the valleys can be used for growth and fine-tuning. Remind yourself in your prayer time of God’s plans for you as well as His enduring mercy and love.
Today’s One Thing
Read Psalm 138 and reflect on your friendship with God. Look up from the valley you’re standing in today and ask yourself, “What can I learn and how can I grow, rather than why is this happening to me and how can I get out of it?”