Look Up with Evvie McKinney
“If you are at rock bottom, all you need to do is look up.” Singer and songwriter Evvie McKinney shared those powerful words with Family Life Radio in a recent interview.
I look up toward the mountains. Where can I find help? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.
– Psalm 121:1-2 GW
Evvie’s words are impactful because it’s something we all really know to do, but when you’re at the bottom of the barrel – in the muck and yuck of life – circumstances have a way of keeping you from the things you know. A simple reminder like Evvie’s often brings the clarity of thought you need to remember where your help comes from and to whom you belong.
Your answers can be found when you look up and recognize His power and majesty.
- True help and strength can only come from God.
- Sometimes He is the only one you can count on.
- He is the only one who has the answer.
- And those answers can be found when you look up and recognize His power and majesty.
As the maker of heaven and earth, God is all-powerful and all-knowing. You can trust in His ability to provide for you and to guide you not just when you are facing difficult times, but all the time.
Today’s One Thing
Where are you today? Are you near the bottom with your head down, worried about all the challenges you’re facing? Read the verses for today aloud and express them in prayer to God. Make a commitment today to look to God for the help you need today.