Love Your Family Intentionally
Family is important to God. So important, that creation culminated in His best work: the very first family. Yet, today, in our broken world, so many families are not living as God intended … they lack love, respect, encouragement, trust, protection, forgiveness and so much more.
Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good.
─ Romans 12:9 ESV
God’s intention for the home is that it be the launching pad for life. That means our homes should be a haven – a place where we experience freedom to be ourselves, to feel that we matter, that we belong and that forgiveness makes a difference.
It all began with God’s love for us.
Our homes don’t become the safe place God intended by accident. Healthy, loving, Christ-centered homes require intentionality.
Our relationship with God is truly our most important priority in this life. It is the foundation on which we build everything else. It all began with God’s love for us. As we love Him, His love flows out of us into all we do and to each person we love.
Today’s One Thing
As you communicate with your family this week, pause for a moment and think about God’s love for you and how He would desire for you to love your family. Then start each interaction with a clear, loving and godly intention.