Magnetic Personality
You enjoy being around certain types of people simply because they have an uplifting magnanimous personality. Their joy and giving spirit are attractive, and you enjoy hanging out with them. That may include happiness, wittiness and kindness.
My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.
– John 10:27 NIV
Perhaps even Jesus enjoyed being around His disciples because of their personalities and characters. He loved all His disciples deeply, but the Gospel of John references the beloved disciple on several occasions. This is not to communicate favorites, but more importantly, that the beloved disciple, like all the disciples, had a specific role he fulfilled. Perhaps that role was to provide encouragement and love to Jesus in a manner that strengthened Him.
The Lord has created you and called you to fulfill a specific role. Listening to His guidance is much easier when you pray and are in tune with the Holy Spirit. In the holy presence of the Lord, it should be an awe-inspiring time. This state of awe can help you be willing to listen, trust, obey and offer Him praise. When you focus on Him and submit to His guidance, your concentration disengages from unhealthy thoughts and connects you to His presence.
The Lord asks you to love and follow Him.
Your prayer time with the Lord is a personal moment He wants to share with you. He loves you and you are called to love Him as well as others. He sent His Son for you, and Jesus expressly said multiple times, “Follow me.” He didn’t say, impress or persuade me. He simply said, “Follow me.”
The Lord’s personality is magnetic. His very presence compels you to desire to spend time with the Almighty. He wants you to stick to Him. His love that you experience will overflow to others when you receive Him and allow Him to work through you.
Today’s One Thing
Spend time with the Lord by offering thankfulness and praise. Ask the Lord whom He wants you to express His joy and love toward this month.