Maintain Unity of the Spirit
Paul called it as he saw it when it came to pointing out the correct path for those following Christ in the early churches.
Walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
─ Ephesians 4:1-3 ESV
When it came to division among believers, he would watch like a coach from the sidelines, disappointed, discouraged and perhaps even a little angered because he knew his “team” could do better.
Finally, he had to call a time out and give instruction, pointing to the wisdom of God for the right way to do things.
Walk in a manner of your calling.
Through our verse today, Paul challenges us to live to a higher standard than that of the world. You are chosen to represent Christ on the earth in all you say and do.
Division among believers today is exactly what it sounds like – divisive schemes positioned to take down and destroy the testimony of a Christian or a church so that they no longer have credibility in their witness with others, especially nonbelievers.
You are Christ’s very own. You belong to Him. When others see you, they should see Him. That is the unity of the Spirit Paul talks about.
Today’s One Thing
If you took a poll today and asked those you are around every day – family, friends, coworkers –would they say you represent Christ in a very positive light? Do your actions and words point others to Him? Think about how you maintain a spirit of unity and put a check mark by each of the characteristic’s others would say you exemplify:
- humble
- gentle
- patient
- peaceful
- generous
- encouraging
Ask God to help you improve in areas you may be lacking in.