More Joy than Ever Before with Darren Mulligan
What brings you joy? Where are you on your joy meter (if you had a meter that measured the level of joy your experiencing today)?
And when I was burdened with worries, you comforted me and made me feel secure.
─ Psalm 94:19 CEV
Darren Mulligan, lead vocalist for the Christian Irish American band, We Are Messengers, told Family Life Radio, “I have more joy in my life than I’ve ever had because I’ve learned to let go.”
Experience more joy than ever before through letting go and trusting your Good Father.
Darren says his value is not found in his achievements; His identity comes through being the son of a really Good Father.
“I’ve learned to open up my hands and let God take things out of them and put things into them, whatever he chooses,” Mulligan shared. “And I’ve learned to be okay with that, even if it doesn’t make sense to me. I don’t have to be afraid; I can be free.”
Your Heavenly Father wants to bring you to be able to experience more joy than ever before. It starts with opening your hands and giving Him everything.
Today’s One Thing
Write out a list of your burdens today. Then take them to your Father in prayer. Talk to Him about each one, and place them all into His hands. Before you leave your place of prayer, ask Him to pour you full of His joy.