Never Too Far Gone
Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father. Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
─ John 14:12-13
Jennifer Reynolds’ husband, Jim, had a serious accident while riding his dirt bike. As he laid on the cement, she dropped down beside him and prayed. Once at the hospital, an emergency room doctor explained to Jennifer that Jim died on the way to the hospital, but they were able to resuscitate him. Her husband had experienced a traumatic brain injury and the medical team offered no hope for his survival.
Jennifer stood next to Jim’s bed in the ICU. He had been diagnosed with a subdural hematoma, brain shearing and had crushed bones in his face. He didn’t look like himself at all; he didn’t look like he could live. But she knew what she had heard. With her husband in the moments before the medics arrived, she prayed and told the Lord she had faith God would heal him. She heard within herself, he’ll be fine. And with those words she found peace.
It was a long journey, and Jim had to relearn everything – who he was, and who Jennifer was. After three months, he was finally fully alert. It took time to learn how to do all kinds of things all over again. Jennifer never gave up, she never believed her husband was too far gone for God to reach him.
Today’s One Thing
Are you holding on to faith, trusting God for something He’s promised? Reaffirm your faith in Him as a promise keeper today. Rest assured it’s not too late.