A New Light, a New Life
But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.
— John 1:12-13
The Advent season is one filled with light. Candles flicker in windows, and houses turn bright with welcoming decorations. All of it is a reflection of Christ, the Redeemer, who came to earth to restore us, to drive away death and the darkness that can so easily surround us.
When we become children of God, we are new creations. Secrets and the darkness of our lives are cast away as we reflect the light of the Father. This is not always an easy journey. In our imperfection we fail many times in our walk. But God never leaves us, and He is always there when we stumble. He provides a steadying hand. He knows us, loves us and will help us when we turn to Him.
So as we prepare for this most joyous season of the year, make sure to celebrate not only the light that is the Christ child, but the light He births within all of us, a light of new life and new joy that comes from a relationship with the Father.
Today’s One Thing
Take a tour of local Christmas lights, using the time to share the meaning behind them with someone you love.