Our Unique Gifts
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.
— James 1:17
Most of us have heard the call, the one that goes out from the pulpit. “Share your talents! We need help with the children’s program, the adult drama, the choir’s cantata. Step up and share your gifts.”
Meanwhile, dozens of folks cringe in their pews, hoping no one will call on them. This is human nature and perfectly normal. When we think of talent, we tend to limit it to the arts: painting, singing, writing, performing. For many people getting up in front of an audience is absolutely terrifying.
But Scripture reminds us that God sees talents—the gifts He bestows on us—in an entirely different light. It’s not about performing. It’s about helping others and serving Him. Paul reminded us in 1 Corinthians 12:7 that our gifts should be used for the “common good.” And again in Romans he wrote of gifts such as encouragement, leadership, giving and teaching. Exodus 36 reveals that Moses called craftsmen gifted by God with a specific talent to get to work for Him.
American author Leo Buscaglia once wrote: “Your talent is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God.” So as we consider how we can help others and serve God, it may be less about getting behind a microphone and more about encouraging nervous children singing in the choir or providing a home-cooked meal to a shut-in. The talents God gives us are varied and as unique as we are.
Today’s One Thing
Identify one talent God has given you, and use that to bless someone else.