Pass the Character Test
Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you.
─ 1 Peter 4:12 ESV
Jaycee had felt the Lord prompting her for weeks before she finally stepped out in faith and announced her decision to run for student body president. Her parents and friends were extremely supportive, but her opposition immediately began an ugly campaign, spreading lies about her and accusing her of inappropriate campaigning.
Her friends complained and encouraged her to begin a smear campaign against her opponent. His campaign lacked integrity and there was no truth to the rumors going around campus, but she remained determined to run a clean campaign no matter what.
Jaycee’s story reminds us that we should never be surprised when trouble comes (1 Peter 4:12). When the Lord leads us to do something, it doesn’t mean that it’ll be easy. But as we endure the trial and continue on the journey the Lord has called us to take, like Jaycee endured her opponent’s ugly campaign tactics, we must hold fast to all that we believe.
Unwavering, whether or not we appear victorious to others, with our character and integrity intact and our obedience to God in full view, we are more than conquerors because we’re following Christ and living life according to His love.
Today’s One Thing
How do you maintain Christlike character in the face of opposition? Spend time this week reading scripture to see and celebrate the victories God accomplished in His Word and take time today to thank God for the victory in this area of your life.