Passing on the Promises
When God made his promise to Abraham, since there was no one greater for him to swear by, he swore by himself, saying, “I will surely bless you and give you many descendants.” And so after waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised.
─ Hebrews 6:13-15
God not only is the greatest promise maker, but He is also the greatest promise keeper. What he promised, He fulfills. Abraham is an excellent example of this.
Despite Abraham’s old age, God promised to bless him with a son. He promised that Abraham would live to a ripe old age and that he would be the father of nations. The Lord gave His word that the promises would continue from generation to generation. And God was faithful. He blessed Abraham, and Abraham blessed his descendants.
Parents and grandparents take pleasure in blessing their children and grandchildren. We want to be sure that the next generations are provided for. So we set up trusts and estate plans. We meet with lawyers and we set aside what we can. We save to cover college expenses and help our kids reach for their dreams.
But do we take as much time providing our families with a spiritual legacy that will last? Is spiritual growth as important as stock market growth?
God is ever faithful. He keeps every promise. He is the most important aspect of our lives, and it’s essential that we share the truth of God’s goodness with our families. Let’s make sure that we pass the promises of God to those who follow and leave a strong spiritual heritage to future generations.
Today’s One Thing
Talk with one of your family members about how God has fulfilled His promises in your life.