Persistence in Prayer
God’s will becomes your desire as you remain consistent in prayer.
Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
– Psalm 37:4 ESV
Ask, seek and knock are three verbs that describe prayer in Matthew 7:7. It takes perseverance to keep asking, seeking and knocking as you pray. The heavenly Father desires for you to come to Him like the beloved child you are. He is all-knowing and, in His wisdom, gives some things you do not ask for, but withholds some things you want or think you need.
God is honored by your persistence in prayer. As you sincerely pray with consistency, God answers. He gives you the desires of your heart. In this time of prayer, your desires begin to align with His perfect will.
As you pray, God aligns your desires with His perfect plans.
There are mysteries that humans cannot fully comprehend about God and His ways. He does not hide things from you, but for you. As you seek Him, He reveals more to you.
What is God inviting you to remain consistent in prayer about? Plan to stay in prayer on a regular basis for that which concerns you.
Today’s One Thing
Declare God’s glory in prayer today. Surrender your will and independence to Him and commit to being persistent in prayer about what He has placed on your heart.