Prodigals Always Come Home
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
─ Proverbs 22:6 ESV
Parents have raised children for centuries who ran away from home, stepped outside of God’s best, even lost their faith … but then sooner or later, they found their way back. Now, you might be thinking, But that’s difficult for me because I’m in the hard part of the story right now. My prodigal is still lost.
Here’s hope. You have a promise from God in Proverbs 22:6 – prodigals always come home. Believe it or not, your Heavenly Father loves that child more than you do! And He’s in pursuit of that child’s heart. No matter what the circumstances look like, the Holy Spirit is at work. He’ll never let that child go. The Father’s arms are wide open waiting for that child to wake up and come home to Him.
You might say, but I didn’t raise my children in God’s presence. I didn’t point them to God while they were growing up. God still loves your child. Your prayers today are powerful.
Today’s One Thing
So, what can you do while waiting for your child to wake up, hear God and return home? It’s time to call that child home. In your prayer time, agree with God in His desire to have relationship with your child. Pray scripture verses about God’s love for your child, and remind yourself what God’s Word says about your child. Trust God and have faith in His promises.