Quiet Time with Your Creator
Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you. So I will bless you as long as I live; in your name I will lift up my hands.
─ Psalm 63:3-4
“A package came for you today,” Landon’s roommate said as he exited the apartment as Landon was entering it. “I set it on the dining room table for you.”
“Thanks, man! And have a good night at work,” Landon called, as the front door shut behind him. He dropped his keys, wallet and phone on the dining room table and picked up the package. It was from his mom’s brother, Uncle Dan.
I bet it’s a book, Landon thought. He’s always sending me books. The two shared the same interest in several types of reading. Opening the package, he did find a book inside and a card that read: thought you might enjoy this devotional journal. I have one I started about a month ago and it really helps me to stay focused and committed to my quiet time with the Lord.
Landon smiled. His uncle seemed to always know what he needed. His uncle’s gift reminded him that he’d gotten out of the habit of spending time in the Lord’s presence. His prayer time had become hit and miss.
He texted his uncle: thank you! your gift is much appreciated! it will definitely help me stay on track. thank you for the gentle nudge to stay committed to time with god!
Today’s One Thing
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