Raised to Life
“My Father wants all those who see the Son and believe in him to have eternal life. He wants me to bring them back to life on the last day.”
─ John 6:40 GW
Developing New Family Habits
Moriah sat down on her front porch and smiled as she surveyed her pristine front lawn. She thought back to the day her husband, Michael, pulled into the driveway with fresh cut sod. He’d gone directly to the sod farm for it, and she was surprised by its appearance. It looked dead.
But what once appeared as dead just a few weeks ago, had transformed to life with color and vibrance. Moriah couldn’t help but think about her own salvation experience. She too was once dead but now lived in God’s resurrection life.
In our verse today, Jesus declared no one who accepts Him as their Lord and Savior will be lost. Eternity is now. We have resurrection life as believers and experience new life when we accept Him. Nothing can be lost because our eternity is secure. Even in death, at the end of this life, all who know and believe in the Son will be raised from physical death to life, and spend eternity with the Father.
Today’s One Thing
If you already know Him, then take time to pray for someone who needs him today. If you don’t know Jesus, visit the content link below and learn more about Him and the new life He has for you.