Rely on God for Patience
With God’s help you can have the kind of patience for others that you would like them to have for you.
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
– Ephesians 4:2 NIV
With her mind in a fog, she pulled into the parking spot. She’d just had her baby and needed to run into the pharmacy quickly and return home. As she got out of her car, an angry woman met her, accusing her of pulling in front of her to grab the parking spot she had so clearly been waiting for.
The new mother hadn’t noticed the other car and offered to move her vehicle, but the frustrated woman told her it was too late and stomped off.
When you assume the best of someone, patience pours forth.
Being patient means assuming the best in someone, instead of jumping to conclusions. Patience takes a pause to check in to see if everything is okay. It is asking God to show you the situation from another’s perspective.
To have patience for others, you must rely on God. It’s the only way to move beyond being self-focused in order to see others. Sometimes being patient means showing patience for one who is impatient.
Today’s One Thing
A confession you can say:
“Today I will remember God’s patience with me. I will lean into Him to help me be patient with others and see them as He sees them.”