Renewal of Hope
For behold, the winter is past; the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come.
—Song of Solomon 2:11-12
The ground begins to warm and little green shoots push their way up through cold dirt. It’s an early sign of spring when the world awakens and green replaces the drab colors of winter. New life emerges, and birds again tweet their sweet tunes. Days of glistening white snow and frozen ponds give way to daffodils, tulips and bubbling brooks alive with color and creatures.
Spring reminds us that no matter how dead a dream may seem or how much loss we may have suffered, the future offers the hope of renewal. It’s time to renew our hope and refresh our hearts.
Just as nature’s seasons change, so do the seasons in each of our lives. Maybe it’s time to release a grudge and welcome forgiveness. Perhaps it’s time to kick fear to the curb and embrace a brand new challenge. It could be time to let go of a past hurt and look for new ways to serve those around you.
While we each face times of trial and heartbreak, a time of rejoicing and singing will come again. Let’s follow God’s leading and praise Him along the way.
One Thing Today
Spend time outdoors looking for signs images, sounds and touches of spring. Ask God to show you what new season He wants you to enter.