Safety in His Arms
The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe.
─ Proverbs 18:10
Jimmy’s three-year-old son, Elliott, could hardly wait to see his new baby sister who was born that morning. Elliott bounced through the hospital doors a bit ahead of his dad and grandmother. As they reached the lobby elevators, Grandma reached for Elliott’s hand, but he darted into the elevator just as the doors closed.
Jimmy dropped everything he had in his arms, looked at the elevator and determined his son was headed down to the basement. He shot his mother-in-law a panicked look and raced for the stairs.
He topped the stairs and turned down the hall toward the elevators to find Elliott screaming and crying as a lady tried to console him. “Elliott, I’m here,” he cried. Elliott raced into the safety of his father’s arms as Jimmy soothed his son. “You’re okay! I’ve got you,” he reassured his son, carrying him up the stairs and back to the lobby.
Perhaps that’s what it often looks like when we get ahead of God. We can be excited about our plans and run ahead when we’re supposed to be following. Thankfully, our Heavenly Father knows exactly where we’re going, and when we realize we’ve become lost or turned around, we can always find safety in His arms.
Today’s One Thing
Think about a time when you went ahead of God, or found yourself in an unexpected place seemingly alone, and God rescued you. Spend some time thanking Him for being your place of safety.