Speak Confidently
“Will you share something with the team on Monday?” Everett’s boss asked as they passed in the hall. Everett felt his voice shake as he responded as cool as he could. “Sure, happy to!” he said, forcing a fake smile to hide the shaking inside of him.
This will be your opportunity to bear witness. Settle it therefore in your minds not to meditate beforehand how to answer, for I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which none of your adversaries will be able to withstand or contradict.
─ Luke 21:13-15 ESV
He hated to speak publicly, but each department head took a turn to share a word of encouragement to inspire and to unite the team. He had put it off for as long as he could. He truly didn’t have an excuse this time.
As a Christian, Everett didn’t hide his faith and often shared one-on-one with his coworkers. Some had even come to him for prayer. But now was his opportunity to say what God would have him say.
Trust Jesus to fill your mouth with His words of wisdom.
Jesus words in our verses today address our fears of what to say when we’re given the opportunity. When given the opportunity to share your faith, make up your mind not to think about what you’re going to say. Instead, trust that Jesus will fill your mind and mouth with His words of wisdom. His words from your lips will be words those who oppose you will not be able to contradict.
Jesus said we would endure hardship because of our relationship with Him. Every generation of Christians has faced this possibility. But even when we feel rejected, abandoned or ridiculed for our faith, the Holy Spirit is with us. He goes before us, comforts us and protects us. He promises to give us the words we should speak.
This assurance should give you the courage and confidence you need to stand firm in faith and speak confidently in Christ no matter the circumstances.
Today’s One Thing
Pray and ask God for His words, then have that conversation you’ve been putting off. Do it today!