Spring Cleaning Your Soul
As you step into the freshness of spring, it’s a beautiful time to consider not just cleaning your home but also the rejuvenation of your soul. In the same way that sunlight streams through open windows, revealing hidden dust, God’s light shines into the corners of our hearts, inviting us to clear away what hinders us.
Be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.
– Ephesians 4:23-24 ESV
To be renewed in the spirit of your mind is to allow God to reshape your thoughts, sweep away the old and embrace the new self that He is shaping in you.
How, then, do you engage in this spiritual spring cleaning?
- Begin with prayer.
- Consider making a list of what you feel needs cleaning in your soul, just as you would if you were cleaning your home.
- Talk to Jesus about your worries, pains, secret sins and the areas where you struggle.
- He listens with a heart full of love and understanding.
Spring cleaning your mind brings renewal.
Immerse yourself in the Word. Just like cleaning agents that remove stains, the truths of the Bible have the power to cleanse and refresh your soul. Let the Scriptures permeate your thoughts, replacing old and harmful patterns with God’s promises and truths. When you fill your mind with God’s Word, there’s less room for the clutter of negativity and doubt.
Your spiritual spring cleaning makes room for personal growth, but it also prepares you to serve others more effectively. Look for opportunities to share God’s love and kindness. In decluttering your soul, you make room to receive and give more love.
Today’s One Thing
Say: Today, I choose to embrace the renewal of my soul. As I clear away what hinders my walk with God, I commit to loving others with the freshness and purity of Christ’s love in me.