Stand Unmovable in Faith
And as they were stoning Stephen, he called out, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” And falling to his knees he cried out with a loud voice, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” And when he had said this, he fell asleep.
─ Acts 7:59-60
God’s servants live for Him, standing unchanged and unmovable in their faith. God placed Stephen, Christianity’s first martyr, in a seemingly insignificant position. He, along with seven other leaders, supervised the food distribution to the needy in the early church. As he served, those in his community recognized his spiritual qualities of wisdom, faith, grace and power. They came to know and rely on the Holy Spirit’s presence in his life.
Before embracing the title of martyr, Stephen served the church as an effective administrator, teacher and speaker. He confronted those who opposed the teachings of Jesus with convincing logic. Stephen lived what he believed. While being stoned to death, he prayed for God to forgive his murderers.
Stephen’s final sacrifice led to Paul’s salvation, Philip’s evangelistic expedition, Peter’s missionary tour, his writings to the churches and the groundwork for the church of Antioch in Syria.
Someone is required to live their lives for what they believe, long before they can give their lives for it. Across the world, it’s the blood from the lives lived for the sake of God’s truth, that prepared the soil for a mighty revelation of the gospel. Even today, miraculous things are happening because someone stands immovable in their faith.
Today’s One Thing
What sacrifices have you made for the gospel? Share the story of what you’ve done, and how God moved in your life as a result with someone. If you are waiting to take your stand, ask God to show you how He wants to use you.