
Start Your Day with God

Imagine waking up to the sunrise, your heart and mind in sync with the promise of a new day as you take a deep breath. It’s in these quiet moments that you can most clearly sense God’s presence, beckoning you to start your day with Him.

Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love, for in you I trust. Make me know the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.

Psalm 143:8 ESV

Prayer is a heartfelt conversation with God, an unwavering line of communication that grounds you in truth and guides your steps. When you speak to God and listen for His response, you’re placing your day, with its unseen challenges and joys, into His capable hands and trusting Him.

Each morning, you can ask God to reveal His unfailing love to you, a love that never tires, never fails and never gives up on you. In the calm of your awakening hours, whisper a prayer for insight into your day and trust that He will guide you.

Because of your tasks and responsibilities, you might feel pulled in multiple directions with uncertainties about where to go or what to do. But seeking God’s guidance is about aligning your will with His, step by step. As you entrust your decisions to God, you discover that His guidance often comes through a gentle nudge in your spirit or insight from Scripture that speaks directly to your situation.

Seek God first, and He will guide and direct you.

Seeking God’s guidance means being attentive to His voice throughout your day and applying His direction to all decisions and interactions. Yes, it includes being sensitive to the small everyday choices and interactions that shape your character and testimony.

As you navigate today, trust that He is with you and let His love be the first thing you seek. He will guide you as you walk in love, make peace, pursue justice and reflect Christ in the mundane and the magnificent.

Today’s One ThingĀ 

Declare, “Today, I trust God’s unfailing love and seek His guidance. I am confident in His presence, guiding my steps and renewing my spirit.”

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