
Steadfast Love for Prodigals – Part 2

I will recount the steadfast love of the Lord, the praises of the Lord, according to all that the Lord has granted us, and the great goodness to the house of Israel that he has granted them according to his compassion, according to the abundance of his steadfast love.

─ Isaiah 63:7

When a loved one strays away from God and those who love them, your first response is usually to rescue them. Jesus shared a story of a prodigal son in Luke 15, that offers a great example of how we should respond.

Ask God for advice. Instead of giving your prodigal advice, ask for some advice for yourself—from the Lord. Give your pain and frustration to God and pray faithfully for your lost one. Do your very best to trust in what God is accomplishing in their life during their wayward journey.

Jesus used this parable to illustrate the Father’s mercy and love for us. The father in Luke 15:11-32, was watching for his son’s arrival, trusting that his hopes and prayers would be realized.

Leave the light on. When your lost one comes to their senses, they need to know that you’ll be there for them. Just leave the light on so that they know that you are supportive. If they can’t stay accountable, they may need a little more time in that “distant country” until they fully learn their lesson.

Today’s One Thing

Ask the Lord for His advice concerning your loved one.



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