
Step Out of the Plane

God put you in this world knowing it wouldn’t be easy, but he also equipped you with everything you need to succeed.

I said, “I am falling”; but your constant love, O Lord, held me up. Whenever I am anxious and worried, you comfort me and make me glad.
─ Psalm 94:18-19 GNT

One woman shared with friends who had been praying for her during a difficult season in life. “God really carried me this week. When it was all over and done, the feeling was like jumping out of an airplane for the first time. It was difficult, and a bit scary, but then my parachute opened.”

She smiled; her face full of joy. She had stepped out into the unknown, fully trusting that God would carry her like the wind in the parachute to the end of the trial. And when she leaned in and allowed him to carry her, she relaxed and felt a tremendous amount of joy.

God will be your parachute!

The psalmist’s words echo the woman’s story. The psalmist felt himself falling, but God’s never-ending, always faithful love held him up. Like the psalmist, whenever you are anxious or worried, God is available to comfort you and fill you with joy.

When we take our eyes off ourselves and trust that our faith is at work, we can expect God to catch us when we fall.

Today’s One Thing
What difficulty are you facing today? Close your eyes and imagine yourself stepping out of a plane, and as you do, let go of whatever concerns you in this moment. Now see yourself pulling the ripcord and God becoming that parachute that carries you safely through the challenges.

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