Take a Praise Break
Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name.
─ Hebrews 13:15 ESV
Take a Praise Break
Nicole pushed away from her desk and rubbed her eyes, tired from looking at her computer screen. Working from home full time now, she found she pushed herself too hard sometimes. She had set an alarm to remind her to take a break, but she paused the alarm when it went off and had just kept working.
Now, she regretted that decision. She stood, stretched and gave in to the break she needed that was long overdue.
Just as your physical body needs a break throughout the day, your spirit needs refreshment too. In the verse above, the writer of Hebrews says you are to praise God continually. It’s not about praising Him only when things you’ve asked Him for finally come together, but it’s a sacrifice – no matter what’s going on – especially when you don’t feel like doing it – your lips should lift up His name.
Here are four ideas for you to consider to take a praise break:
- Praise walk – while getting your steps in for the day, spend 15 minutes or more of your time telling God how much you appreciate Him.
- Drive time – while alone in your car, turn on praise music and worship God.
- Offer praise with Psalms – read or sing Psalm 145, or another one of your favorite Psalms of praise.
- Repeat the phrase, “Lord, I praise you for _____” and fill in the blank with as many things you are grateful for each time. (My family, a roof over my head, provision, my job….)
Today’s One Thing
Look at the list above and choose one to do now as your praise break for today.