Take a Step Back to Gratitude
Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.
─ Colossians 2:6-7
Jackie had been talking on the phone for most of the day. Exhausted from the endless interactions with ungrateful customers, she turned to her coworker MaryBeth to complain about how hard the day had been. But as she looked at her friend, Jackie stopped abruptly.
“I just realized how ungrateful I was about to be,” Jackie said softly.
Marybeth smiled with understanding. Her closest coworkers knew that her 21-year-old nephew had suffered a stroke, and the whole family was navigating a new normal as a result of his health crisis.
“I was about to complain to you,” Jackie continued, “but when I looked at you, I suddenly remembered just how insignificant my grumblings really are. Instead, I’m overwhelmed with just how very thankful I should be instead. Your family is dealing with something horribly difficult. I’m sure your whole family would love for him to have my challenges today.”
It is easy to become consumed with our own worries or focused on the little irritations of life. When we do, we often lose prospective of all the things we have to be grateful for. It’s important to have a heart of gratitude, even during difficult times. This is evidence of our faith and a result of knowing that God is still in control. When we’re rooted in the Gospel and built up in Jesus, we can always find things for which to be grateful.
Today’s One Thing
Practice having a heart of gratitude by making a list of five things you are truly thankful for today.