Take Advantage of the Storm
They who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. ─ Isaiah 40:31
As we wait for God, He strengthens us and carries us above the storm. Sometimes it helps to have an image to better understand God’s work in our lives. Jesus often told stories to illustrate spiritual things. We see throughout the Bible God demonstrating His goodness through His creation. An eagle senses a storm is brewing long before it arrives. In anticipation of the change in the winds, an eagle makes its way to high ground and waits. Once the storm reaches the eagle, it positions its wings so that the winds lift it above the storm. While the storm rages below, the eagle rises above it. Notice the eagle’s position. It doesn’t escape the storm, nor does it try to change its position. Instead, it merely allows the storm to boost it higher. The eagle uses the winds that bring the storm to rise higher. As we grow in our journey with God, we learn to wait on Him to gain strength and wisdom to know when to spread our wings and soar above the storm.
Today’s One Thing What storm is blowing through your life? Take courage, wait on God and let Him show you how to take advantage of the storm today.