Tangibles and Intangibles
Life brings beauty and complexity that is out of our control. Have you traveled to a spectacular part of the country or world and upon seeing the remarkable landscape and standing in awe of the surrounding beauty said to yourself, How could someone not believe in the Almighty Creator? Seeing landscapes in person are tangible sceneries you can touch and see in their original exquisiteness. Life also brings intangible absolutes often out of your control that command you to stand back and take in with awe.
Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
– 1 Corinthians 13:7 ESV
Intangible items cannot be seen or touched but can be felt in your soul. God is intangible, yet He created evidence of both His tangibleness and intangibleness that you can experience in many life areas. Consider the intangibles that mean the most to you. Do these things include love, passion, desire or many other high-value personal experiences? You would never trade anything for these valuable and unique intangible experiences. They can never be bought from you, and you would never sell them.
Your living Christian testimony is an example of the personal, intangible experience God provided you by forgiving your sins and loving you unconditionally.
The Living God gave His only Son to become the concession for your sins because He is patient and kind – and endured the payment for your sins. When you give Him permission to rule all the intangibles (good and bad), you will experience wonderment and awe as the work of the Lord comes alive in you. He wants you to trust Him to turn hate into love, sadness into joy and chaos into peace.
Trust and believe in Him to rebuild your anxiety-filled intangibles into highly valued miracle events that only His authority and power can create. Hope allows you to stand in awe of His abilities to control all things and develop priceless intangibles for you.
Today’s One Thing
Bring all your out-of-control concerns to the Lord, relinquish them and ask Him to change them into beautiful intangibles.