The Courage to Pray Right Now
Perhaps more than ever before, you’ve received requests from friends, family and even strangers for prayer. With the global pandemic, social isolation and rampant fear spread across the globe, people are reaching out and asking for agreement for God to intervene in the storms of life they are facing.
And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will.
─ Romans 8:27 NLT
Usually when someone asks you to pray for them, they expect you will pray for them later, in your own quiet time. But they need your prayer, your encouragement in that very moment – now!
Be quick to respond when someone asks for prayer.
Jesus offered His help, His prayer to the Father, in the moment of need. He agreed to go with Jairus to heal his daughter (Matthew 9:18). He met Zacchaeus in his loneliness and agreed to go to his house for fellowship (Luke 19:1). And He answered a father’s call to deliver his son of demons (Mark 9:14).
Let today’s verse give you all the confidence you need to step up and pray in the moment. Your words spoken in prayer bring understanding to difficult situations, ignite revelation to life’s questions and bring healing and restoration to hearts in need.
Your words can give someone hope to hang on just a little longer or the courage to step out in faith. There’s no better time than now!
Today’s One Thing
When someone asks for prayer, be quick to respond. If it’s a text or a message via social media, go ahead and respond in writing, or pick up the phone and call. This week refuse to miss an opportunity to pray. Immediately upon hearing the need, pray with that person right then.