The Faithful Give Thanks
You’ve likely heard the song “Count your blessings.” Sometimes you might find it challenging to pause and reflect upon the many gifts you’ve received. Yet, by taking a moment, you could remind yourself of a wealth of blessings surrounding you, often taken for granted: the sunrise that graces your mornings, the melody of birds outside your window, the gentle touch of a loved one, especially children or grandchildren, or the very breath you take. Each is an indicator of God’s goodness in your life.
Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; His love endures forever.
– Psalm 106:1 NIV
Psalm 6:1 gives encouragement and direction to give thanks. Naturally, giving true thanks is a heartfelt directive for the faithful. Why? Because God’s goodness is unending, and His love for you is unshakable. It is easy to raise a song of thankfulness in moments of joy. But what about during times of trials? Can you still find reasons to be grateful?
You are not alone in this journey. Remember, even during Israel’s turbulent history, they found moments to give thanks. God’s unwavering presence was the underlying thread during their mistakes, fears and challenges. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. God walks with you today as He did with Adam and Eve and the Israelites. He has been with you through every high and low, and His love remains unchanged.
God is your strength and companion for life’s journey.
When life is great, and things are going your way, give thanks to God for His blessing. When life brings you challenges, shift your gaze to the countless blessings you have already received and God’s future blessings waiting for you. In both highs and lows, God teaches, protects and guides you. Focusing on thankfulness and gratitude brings the abundance of God’s provisions into focus and pinpoints your attention on the great I Am.
Each day, you have a new opportunity to recognize God’s grace. This opportunity encompasses spiritual blessings, moments of clarity, strength in trials and peace that surpasses understanding. When you continually give thanks, you honor God and encourage your spirit.
Today’s One Thing
Enter your prayer time and attempt to count your blessings. Go ahead and try to name each one. Turn your prayer moment into a worshipful praise time.