The Gardener’s Seeds
For many gardeners, a slice of enjoyment comes when the harvest is plenty, where sharing becomes a natural part of the gardener’s harvest.
Sharing the fruits of the Spirit and the love of Jesus Christ is a little like gardening. When the vision and anticipated outcome is greater and more exciting than the responsibility, planting seeds of gentleness, patience, love and joy become a more straightforward cultivation process in developing deeper relationships so the seed of Jesus Christ can be planted and nurtured.
Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.
─ 2 Corinthians 9:6 ESV
If you are a believer of Jesus Christ, most likely someone took the time to sow and nurture you when considering Christ as your Lord and Savior. In turn, be a bountiful gardener in spreading the gospel and the fruits of the Spirit. Allow the victory you anticipate in someone else’s life to far outweigh the work you may need to do, with the Spirit’s help and guidance. Soon, your concentration will be on the outcome, not the process.
Sow the seeds the Lord has given you to share.
Be a gardener for the Lord and plant an assortment of seeds that may include a kind word spoken, a financial gift given, a text message sent, a listening ear or wisdom shared. The Spirit will lead you in what and when to plant. Trust in the Lord to guide you.
God loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7). He desires you to give a portion of what you have to others and trust the Lord to replenish your seed with more so more can be given. The Spirit must direct this type of action, and it defies the world’s teachings but magnifies the Lord’s power and grace of God’s direction.
Today’s One Thing
Decide today that when the end is near, you don’t want to look back and declare I wish I would have planted more.