The Heavenly Father Revealed
When Jesus walked the earth in human form, He revealed God to those who believed.
No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known.
– John 1:18 NIV
In Undercover Boss, a reality television series, a person in upper management of a major business works in disguise as an entry level employee to learn what needs improvement.
Jesus came to earth for the opposite reason. He left heaven to come to earth in human form, or disguise, but He came to reveal God to humanity. And He came to provide a way for people to have a relationship with the Father.
Jesus came to reveal God to humanity.
Like Undercover Boss, Jesus came to improve how things operated. He came to fulfill God’s plan to provide abundant and eternal life to all who believe in Him. He provided the ultimate sacrifice so that there was no longer the need for animal sacrifices to cover humanity’s sin. Jesus provided a better way. He paid the price with His own life.
By looking to Jesus, what He did and what He said, you can know God.
Today’s One Thing
Tell God how thankful you are for sending His Son to reveal Himself to humankind and to you, personally.