The Lord Protects You
If you’ve ever been caught without a raincoat or umbrella when a sudden burst of rain occurred, you likely found shelter as quickly as possible. Regardless of the time it took to stand under a pavilion, jump into your car, return to your house or enter a store, the protection from the storm was nice.
The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade on your right hand.
– Psalm 121:5 ESV
The Lord watches over you and is with you. Like a momma bear protects her cubs, the Lord protects His children. The Lord stands with you all the time, especially during your challenges.
This does not mean His children don’t experience heartbreak, pain or sorrow. It means He is always with those who believe and trust Him. Scripture does not promise you will be without pain or challenges. Scripture does promise that you can ask God to “deliver [you] from evil” and to expect your requests to be answered when they align with His Word.
God never takes His eyes off you; you are His child, and you are loved.
The Bible is God’s Word; within it are passages where you can seek and find comfort and assurance that He is with you. Finding confidence and joy in the Lord during your joyful and difficult times cultivates your relationship with Him. Your strength comes from seeking and finding God. And, when you seek Him with your entire heart and mind, you will always find Him.
It is natural to think that hearing the audible voice of God would give assurance. Undoubtedly, it would, but He has a way of providing subtle and divine methods to remind you that He is present. When you cultivate your relationship with Him, you will discover that He protects you in big and small ways.
Today’s One Thing
Meditate on Psalm 121, and praise God for His protection and for being beside you.