The Results of Peace
Whoever desires to love life and see good days…let him seek peace and pursue it.
— 1 Peter 3:10-11
Ruth clutched her husband’s hand as they waited for the doctor to deliver the report. She could tell from the oncologist’s sober expression the news would not be good. “I’m sorry,” he said as he handed her the pathology results. “Your tumor is a very aggressive cancer.” In an instant, Ruth’s tranquil retirement plans of grandchildren, travel and growing old with her husband shattered. Her hope of ever finding peace evaporated.
We can understand why. Everyone knows good days make us happy. The prospect of hard times can do us in. That’s why we do everything we can to avoid struggles. We scramble after money, success and health to keep as many unpleasant things at bay as we can. Stress-free living is the only way to love our life…the only way to peace.
At least, that’s the lie most of us have bought. In fact, we’ve completely inverted the truth.
According to Scripture, good days come when we seek peace. And peace comes through finding Jesus and a relationship with Him. When we know the Savior who calmed a raging Galilean storm with a few words, we know He has the power to calm the storms raging in us. Knowing He’s prepared a world without tears, pain or suffering makes the troubles of this world temporary.
None of us can avoid hardship forever. Jesus promised that we would have troubles in this world. But that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy life. It means we need to know the Author of peace. That’s the secret to loving this life.
Today’s One Thing
How do you hear God? In nature? Worship music? His Word? Choose one and make time to listen to God through that today.