The Source of All Encouragement
And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.
— Philippians 1:6 ESV
The Apostle Paul was an encourager. While he zealously and tirelessly spread the message of Jesus Christ on all his journeys, Paul also knew the churches he established were fragile. They were surrounded by a culture that would challenge their new faith and even persecute believers. He built up leaders and revisited when he could. Most of all, he wrote letters to these churches, praising their sound faith and correcting them when they wandered astray.
One of his most encouraging letters was written to the Philippians while Paul was in prison. Most of us can’t imagine what that would be like, but we probably wouldn’t feel much gratitude or hope. But Paul did. He began by thanking the church for their concern and gift. And then he hung his hat on the reason he could have hope in any circumstance. God is faithful to complete the work that He began. Paul believed that hard times would come to all of them—as they do to us—so he reminded them of the source of all encouragement.
We need to continue to take Paul’s words to heart and let them encourage us—as we need to encourage others. The work of salvation that God is doing in each of us is worth every step of the journey.
Today’s One Thing
Reach out to a friend or colleague. Ask how you can be praying for them, follow through with the prayer and be sure to share encouraging words after the fact.