
The Strength of Faith

“God, the Lord, is my strength; he makes my feet like the deer’s; he makes me tread on my high places.”

—Habakkuk 3:19 

One fall, and Gail thought her hiking days were over. Climbing the side of a steep hill, she lost her footing and slid almost 70 feet down through trees and underbrush. Her ankle broken, she hobbled out of the woods and into a cast. She didn’t realize how the fall had changed her until she tried to go hiking again. Fear of clambering over rocks and narrow trails seized her. Trembling, she refused to take a step.

We all have unexpected challenges and troubles. Even our faith takes hits some days, no matter how firmly we believe. If we give into fear, we can be frozen in place, surrounded by doubts.

But a strong faith in God means serving and loving God no matter what our circumstances. It means keeping in mind that God is always beside us, strengthening us, whether or not we feel it at the time. In Habakkuk 3:19, the prophet pictures himself as a sure-footed and confident deer, with no doubts about picking a path through precarious rocks and crevasses. What an image of triumph!

Often, we see God working in our lives in hindsight. But when we trust in God, relying on Him despite challenges that shake us to our core, He will bring us through victorious…as surefooted as a deer on the highest mountain.

Today’s One Thing

Write down a few lines about a time when you felt lost or fearful in your faith and the ways God worked to bring you through.



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