Treasure Your Uniqueness
God created you uniquely to fill a purpose in His family.
For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.
– 1 Corinthians 12:12 ESV
The mother of four young children stubbed her toe on the youngest’s toy truck. She was in so much pain she could not even answer her husband, who was calling to her from the kitchen.
The oldest informed her father that her mother couldn’t talk right now, while securing a damp cloth to dab the dripping blood from the bent back toenail. The second to the oldest child mercifully rubbed her mother’s back telling her it was going to be okay. The youngest sucked his thumb feeling her pain while murmuring, “It’s my fault.” The oldest son was equipped for just such a moment. He ran and got his first aid kit. Placing it in front of his mother, he opened the lid and asked, “Which size Band-Aid do you need, Mommy?”
Treasure your unique gifts and use them in the body of Christ.
How often have you been in a situation, and you realize the person with you is reacting differently than you are? Sometimes it doesn’t make sense to you. Sometimes you wish you thought of the first aid kit.
God made each person uniquely with different purposes in the body of Christ. All of us are one in His Spirit, but there are many members created as He chose. Just like the physical body needs all its parts, so does the spiritual body.
If you are tempted to compare yourself with someone else, remember the importance of each part of God’s family. Do what He puts on your heart to do and praise Him for others around you who are meeting different needs.
Today’s One Thing
Thank God for giving you unique gifts, talents and abilities. Choose to use them specifically today without comparing yours to someone else’s function in the body of Christ.